




Official Wikipedia App for Android. Wikipedia is the free encyclopedia containing more than 32 million articles in 280 languages, and is the most comprehensive and widely used reference work humans have ever compiled.

- Lead images: experience Wikipedia like never before with a prominent, contextually-relevant image and description at the top of articles
- Image gallery: tapping on an image shows you the image full-screen in high resolution, with options to swipe left/right for browsing additional images
- Descriptions from Wikidata: when searching, each search result now contains a quick description that helps to contextualize the result. These descriptions are also shown in other areas of the app, like Nearby
- Article suggestions: scroll to the bottom of an article to see suggestions about what you could read next
- Saved pages: save select pages for offline reading and browse them even when you don't have a data connection
- Nearby: learn more about what's around you by getting links to articles about things that are near your current location
- Language support: seamlessly switch to reading Wikipedia written in any language
- Table of contents: swipe left on any article to bring up the table of contents, which lets you jump to article sections easily
- Wikipedia Zero: data charges waived for participating mobile operators

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